Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Framing of Media and News

I apologize for the bad quality but it's the only one I could find.

Basically I always wonder what drives American News to report what they do. I think that this clip does a fantastic job of summarizing some ways in which they select and choose what they report--in this case pertaining particularly to race.

Furthermore, I always talk with my Grandparents, and every time I am at their house, they are either watching a sports game or the news. Every time the news is on, my grandmother always makes a comment along the lines of: "I hate watching the news. It's so bad and it just shows us how bad of a world we live in."

Congruently, my brother and I have a joke running between us mocking the news in that they'll briefly report how "X" person donated however much money to a charity or whatever organization put on an event for "Y" group of people, and then they'll "Dispatch with the boring stuff" and get on to the latest pop-cultural, political, or violent scandal.

What I find interesting is how the media frames their reports in the above said fashions, but yet we as Americans can criticize it all, and still be big enough hypocrites to return the next day to absorb some more.


  1. The amount of gatekeeping that occurs in American media is ridiculous, but we still continue to watch it even though it isn't the true facts. I agree with you LeKellan, Why are we still dumb enough to keep these gatekeeping media industries open? Most of us know the news isn't actually the news, and we are going to have to go to multiple sources in order to find out what is actually happening in or world and communities. But, what is it going to take for people to actually start demanding true facts and the news? How long will it take for these multi billion media conglomerates to get broken up and news to really shine through?

  2. I think that our government is really close to the book " The Prince" by Machiavelli. The main quote i get out of that book is “It is best to be both feared and loved; however, if one cannot be both it is better to be feared than loved.” Our government wants us to fear the world out there because they want us to "need" them. Thats why in our media all we see is bad thing happening and rarely do we see good things happening. This is sad really, but what can you do when that's what people demand to put on the news.
