The photo above shows Mac's makeup line 'Vibe Tribe' which is as you can plainly see is inspired after native American culture. Mac is a very large and popular makeup brand. It is all too common for Native American culture to be inappropriately used as inspiration. Native American culture is one of the most common cultures to be appropriated and abused for brands on devices. Mac swears their 'Vibe Tribe' collection is not inspired from Native American culture. Although you can plainly see that this is not true. The packaged Native American culture and are mass producing it and selling it to the masses. This is something that happens often. Consumers were not happy with Mac for this line. Another example is Free People recently got in trouble for selling rain sticks, medicine pouches, beaded chokers, and spirit animals essential oils. Not only that, but Victoria's secret got in trouble in their 2012 fashion show in their calendar girls section for featuring a model in Native American costume with a headdress. They apologized and removed it from broadcast. Every year on Halloween people dress up in Native American costumes. Native American culture is one of the most culturally appropriated group of people. Native American's are not portrayed well in the media and their culture is often mass produced and sold.
I think this post is interesting because we live in a society today where people are standing up to say that "cultures are not costumes." I feel strongly about this too because it is another way that people are discriminated against and there should be no tolerance for it. By Mac calling this line "Vibe Tribe" and then denying that it is in fact inspired from the Native American culture shows bad ethics on their part. It is unfortunate that Mac is able to do this with no repercussions.