Wednesday, March 22, 2017

RoboCop Reboot

Image result for robocop reboot
RoboCop is a movie that originally came out in 1987. There was a remake in 2014. The original was considered one of the benchmarks of the 1980s. The original movie was full of satirical themes like desensitivity to violence, unchecked capitalism, gender equality, and technology. However many of the themes that make the original great are not present in the remake, as the remake is not an exact replica of the original. There was reference to themes of man vs machine, drones, and media callousness. However, there was no reference to capitalism or gender equality. Neither film passes the Bechtel test, however in the original RoboCop's partner Lewis was a woman and was a feminist character. In the remake the character was played by a man and the only women are behind desks and are protagonists of some sort. They are whiny, villains, or RoboCop's wife. Women are not key areas in the movie and not received well. There is very few women at all. This movie also goes into what it means to be human. He starts out being RoboCop as wanting to keep people safe and help his family, but his old personality is limited by his creator. He is cut off from human society and sleeps in wires and sockets. He also only eats baby food. There is nothing left of his physical body besides his face and right hand. Murphy has a kill switch and his dopamine levels are regulated by his creators. With how little of him is left it provokes what is human vs what is machine. How long before humanity fades.

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