Monday, February 13, 2017

For my blog post assignment, I chose this Tipalet Cigarettes advertisement. Scrolling through the world-wide web, there is an endless amount of video commercials and still photos which portray women to be vulnerable to men if for example he is wearing a specific colon. In this post we see a similar idea but this woman is seemingly attracted to this man for his choice of cigarette. Pretty pathetic right? I find this RIDICULOUS! This ad makes women look "easy-to-get" which is terrible. From the aesthetics of this advertisement, it looks as though it was distributed in the 1970's possibly, a time that is clearly different from today. The large bold sentence, "Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere," is a clear assumption that if a women smells your Tipalet Cigarette, she will grow to be attracted to you and desire to have sex with you. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Spencer,
    I assume this is a fairly old advertisement given the aesthetics and the general similarity it has to cigarette advertisements from the 60s and 70s. I agree that it is ridiculous. The text is a great example for psychoanalytic analysis given it's reliance on sex, desire, and the male gaze. I'm not sure what type of analysis you are using here, so in your final two blog posts, incorporate some direct concepts from the reading to verbally connect your posts to the specific analytic lens.
